Jade’s yoga story

Yoga brought her a new way to step into her body. It deepened her awareness of the muscles and their structure, taught her to breathe through discomfort, and to develop a relationship with the present moment. Ultimately, it helped her feel at home within her body. This new-found comfort was inspiring so naturally she wanted to share it with others. After completing a 200 hour course in Kauai she taught Hatha Yoga to teens at a therapeutic boarding school. This journey has yielded a deep respect for tuning into her body.

Jade’s inspiration to be a part of The Yellow Room

When Jade heard Kirsten’s dream she said YES! It’s important to her that the community has a space to dive into themselves; to learn how to resource the nervous system, and heal from life’s abuses. As we heal as individuals, we strengthen our homes and therefore our community. The Yellow Room, as a non-profit, has the recipe to provide exactly this.

Her Yellow Room classes:

Currently she facilitates a community meditation class with Anne every Wednesday. Jade guides body scans, breath awareness, centering techniques such as orienting, and stillness practices.


If Jade had a superpower, it would be…

To fly.