Our Vision

To fill the gap of accessible well-being classes in Sandpoint for all people by providing many of our offerings for donation-based and sliding scale. We believe a healthy individual leads to a healthy community and strive to make this positive impact throughout Bonner County. 

Our Mission

We provide classes, workshops, and events that empower every-body to trust, re-member and reconnect with themselves and others regardless of demographics or socioeconomic status. Our therapeutic community space is a haven of well-being that cultivates a sense of rest, joy, alignment and belonging. We believe that by tending to ourselves, we may tend to the world.

Our Team

  • Likhita Living



  • Cherilynn Tilford


  • Hannah Combs


  • Laura Clemmons


  • Elizabeth Presse


Our Teachers

  • Meaghan Swinney - Gentle, Yin, and Community Yoga

    Blessed to be raised by a family keen to the benefits of stretching and holistic healing, it wasn’t until 2008 that Meaghan really dug into formal yoga classes. The catalyst was a car accident; faced with lingering soft tissue injuries, learning to listen to her body became an important part of Meaghan’s daily routine. Her yoga practice, which emerged as a necessity for pain management and overall physical health, has organically morphed into a spiritual practice and lifelong journey of self-care and most importantly, self-love. Meaghan is an avid lover and seeker of movement in many forms. She is proud to say it has been through her yoga journey that she has learned the value of being still.

  • Kirsten Longmeir - Yin Yoga & Ecstatic Dance

    Kirsten took her first yoga class when she was 13 years old and was so excited to find a movement practice that was motivating and playful- two qualities that commonly fall away growing into adulthood. She practiced religiously for 15 years, exploring yoga forms such as Kundalini, Hatha, Iyengar, and Ashtanga. Her true love in these yoga styles were the fleeting moments spent in stillness and spending time in the stretch. She is a certified yin instructor and weaves in her interest of somatic therapy into all her classes. Kirsten teaches a weekly class called “Yin and Somatics”. She will be adding in monthly pop-up classes on "The Yoga of Eating" soon. She also offers workshops throughout the year such as Massage for Infants, Strength, Grace & Your Pelvic Floor, Thai Massage for Couples and more.

  • Larry and Lindsey Hoyer - west coast swing and hustle

    Larry and Lindsey are a father and daughter duo that have been dancing together for thirty years. They love to share their passion for lead and follow dancing with the community. They are inspired to teach others because It is great to have more people to dance with at all of the wonderful live music events in town! We encourage families to come! It's so fun to be able to dance with your kids!

  • Katelyn Greenway - kids yoga

    Katelyn Greenway was 8yrs old when she attended her first yoga class. She had so much fun in the class that she knew right away yoga would be a part of her future. She never imagined she would be teaching it at the ripe age of 16, and is so grateful she is. Katelyn is a certified RCYT (Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher). She really enjoys interacting with kids and loves their energy. She says, “It would feel incredible to be a part of another kid’s positive memory throughout their life journey”.

  • Natalie Koster - Sound Bath

    Natalie has been inspired and drawn to the art of sound healing for over 6 years. During this time she learned how to play and attune to their vibrations. Over the past year she has taught her self how to play intuitively and is able to create the most peaceful and relaxing environment for people to enjoy. She has a full set of 7 quartz crystal singing bowls made in Nepal. Each of them are attuned to the notes associated with each of the 7 chakras. The vibration from these bowls can help realign, clear and balance the chakras.

  • Rachel Nabors - visible mending

    Rachel has always been drawn to textiles. From a young age, she would spend hours thrifting and enjoyed reimagining garments that she would find, often cutting jeans, dyeing shirts, embroidering collars, and so on. Buying used clothes and giving them new life was a way for her to channel her creativity and circumvent a harmful fast fashion industry. Mending, to her, is a mindful practice grounded in reverence for garment construction. When Rachel is mending, she is showing gratitude and appreciation for her clothes. From the field to her closet, she recognizes and honors the labor and resources that go into creating a garment. If we are able to mend our clothes, we can wear them longer and consume less. She wants to introduce people to the slow, mindful practice of mending.

  • Holly Pennington - Art & Insight

    Holly Pennington has always loved creativity and has been exploring artistic expression and its deeper connection to our inner workings for more than a decade. She grew up in Sandpoint and still calls North Idaho her home. She is an avid gardener and loves nature. She teaches Art & Insight.

  • Anne Baggenstoss - Ecstatic Dance

    Embodied wellness has been a passion of Anne’s for as long as she can remember. Her life has been changed by different studios and spaces that have allowed her to explore her inner landscape. She wanted to be a part of offering that same type of place to others. Currently she leads Ecstatic Dance monthly on rotation with others.

  • Amy Stephensen - figure drawing

    Amy is a Sandpoint, Idaho resident. She currently teaches art at one of the local schools, while also raising twin boys and fitting in as much creative time into her life as possible. Her family often has multiple animals living on their land with them, including Icelandic sheep. Amy is excited to be a part of The Yellow Room through offering figure drawing sessions. She finds the act of capturing the human form on paper both meditative and challenging, and loves being in community with the other attendees.

  • Likhita Living - Ecstatic Dance & Dance church

    Likhita is passionate about movement, ceremony, and community. She believes that our bodies are our instruments and movement is an expression of the emotions of our soul. She leads Ecstatic Dance on rotation with a couple other teachers and enjoys bringing people through a journey of inner exploration. Her music usually has an arch to it starting off with slower etheric sounds, moving into a smorgeshboard of expressive sounds to really shake and let the body loose, and cooling down with more lyrical songs that bring us back into our body and hearts. Likhita also occasionally leads Cacao Ceremonies and will be introducing a new movement class sometime in 2024.

  • Kathryn Kastrinos - Ecstatic Dance & dance church

    Kathryn believes movement is medicine and considers ecstatic dance a spiritual practice that fosters a profound connection with our most authentic selves. She uses music as a platform for radical self expression and a way of emotional release and grounding. It can be deeply healing, restorative, and fun. Kathryn will lead you through an exploration of self and the world around you through her thoughtfully curated playlists. She loves big tribal bass beats and incorporates a diverse range of music from around the world. Kathryn is also a Reiki Master and likes to blend spiritual inquisition and reflection into her classes. Come dance and feel good!

  • Illy Almanza - hatha flow

    After being diagnosed early with Fibromyalgia at 16, Illy went seeking answers anywhere she could find. Something finally clicked for her physically, spiritually, and mentally when introduced to yoga. She began attending classes every week. After having a near death experience at 18, she felt more in-tuned with the spiritual side than ever before. She dove deep into philosophy, metaphysics, and psychology to further her yoga practices and understanding of energy within and around us. With a degree in Psychology and a yoga certification all she wants to do is help people holistically. Sometimes it is easier to flow and tune into our bodies than to speak of the burdens we hold. Illy has dreamt of owning a wellness center since her car accident in 2018, and hopes her teaching yoga will be the beginning of the path to unfold.

Teach with us

Become a paid or volunteered teacher with us. Offer your unique gifts to the community and be a part of the bigger vision bringing wellness classes to the community.

You can also be added to our Yoga sub list.