Kirsten’s yoga story

She took her first yoga class when she was 13 years old and was so excited to find a movement practice that was motivating and playful- two qualities that commonly fall away growing into adulthood. She practiced religiously for 15 years, exploring yoga forms such as Kundalini, Hatha, Iyengar, and Ashtanga. She then took a yoga teacher training in Portland, Oregon in 2007. Her true love in these yoga styles were the fleeting moments spent in stillness and spending time in the stretch. After taking a break from yoga, she has come back to the practice in the form of yin, discovering a style of yoga that incorporates all of her favorite elements of the yogic practice. She is a certified yin instructor and weaves in her interest of somatic therapy into all her classes.

Kirsten’s inspiration to be a part of The Yellow Room

For years, she has been wanting to create a space for people to learn about and engage in the incredible complexity of the human body. The pain and trauma that the body can hold as well as pleasure, compassion and a feeling of aliveness are essential ingredients to the human experience. Throughout her many years as a massage therapist, she has seen how many people avoid their inner experience and want someone else to "fix" it for them. She wanted to create a space that would help people start to connect to their inner experience. Through the lens of neurobiology and the energetic heart, she hopes to bridge the disassociation many of us carry into a feeling of wholeness and integration.

Her Yellow Room classes:

Kirsten teaches two weekly classes called “Yin and Somatics”. She will be adding in monthly pop-up classes on "The Yoga of Eating" soon. She also offers workshops throughout the year such as Massage for Infants, Strength, Grace & Your Pelvic Floor, Thai Massage for Couples and more.


If Kirsten had a superpower, it would be…

Time travel for sure. There is so much to learn from our collective history. And she would really love to go back in time and go shepherding with her great great grandmother in the mountains of Norway.