Reclaim your power
Tools to access your freedom and discover your most authentic self
What would it be like if you were fully embodying your most authentic self? What would you be able to manifest and attract into your life?
We live in a world that is so caught up in the social constructs of what life “should be”, we rarely stop to think about what life could be. This society teaches us a formula of “work hard + achieve all the things (marriage, house, career, etc) = happiness” … if this is true then why do so many people feel unsatisfied in their lives? When do we actually stop to question everything we’ve been taught and come back to the root of ourselves? To know that every decision we make is coming from our hearts truest desire, and not that which has been influenced by external resources.
Let’s ask ourselves what life “could be”! What if we were all able to reclaim our own personal freedom and create the life WE truly desire? Some of it involves deep diving into our own inner landscape of stories, programing, and habits. While also questioning how our external environment and actions have influenced us where we are today. When we were born, we had everything we needed, and as we grew up in society we were molded and forgot who we truly are. Let’s reclaim that power back!
Many of the tools shared in this program are simple, and although you may already know some of them, are you actually implementing them? Do you have the support you need from those around you to help hold you accountable and fulfill your dreams? Other tools in this program are deeper and may not be practices you are use to. An opportunity to remember that which you may have forgotten as well as discover something new. You’ll be surprised how implementing small changes in your day to day life will shift your entire relationship with yourself.
We will meet once a week - approximately 2hrs - for 9 consecutive weeks during a day and time that works for all those who are interested. Each week builds on the previous ones so weekly attendance is highly suggested for full benefits, and no single weekly drop ins will be available. This may feel like a lot to commit to, and if so we invite you to reflect on you being worthy of choosing your self and your life.
Here is what we will cover:
SECTION 1 - REVISE & REFRESH: Understand how our thoughts, habits, and environment effect us. We will revise these areas of our lives, and rebuild the foundation of who we are and who we are becoming.
Week 1: Empower Your Words: Learn how to change your unsupportive beliefs and stories about yourself into empowering thoughts and new ways of being
Week 2: Inventory Your Truth: Discover what you have been doing and not doing that is supporting or hindering your growth. Recognize how your outer world effects your inner world and how to make adjustments in order to thrive
Week 3: Nourish your Body: Learn what your body needs and why. From food to movement. Make choices that are most supportive for you, your body type, and desires.
SECTION 2 - APPRECIATE & NOURISH: Break through the old constructs of how we’ve been taught to operate in this world and come back to a clean slate unveiling our true self. Learn how to love, appreciate and honor yourself shifting the internal paradigm from self-destruction to self-love.
Week 4: Cleanse & Create Harmony: Unlearn what you know about the world and gain the power to choose for your self from your self.
Week 5: Self-Care Isn’t Selfish: Receive insights on self-care and how taking care of yourself first actually helps you show up better for others.
Week 6: Enhance Your Intuition & Follow Your Heart: Learn the difference between your head, heart and gut, how to identify your intuition and how to listen to the call of your heart.
Week 7: You Are The One You’ve Been Looking For: Secrets for dating yourself, because you deserve it and when you know what you deserve and desire other people will too
SECTION 3 - HONOR & THRIVE: Rediscover your power and choice to create the life you want, how to create and communicate clear boundaries, and how to manifest your deepest desires for moving forward with the new you.
Week 8: Create & Embody Your Truth: Define what your boundaries are and get clear on what you want in life. Learn how to clearly communicate these to those around you with ease.
Week 9: Remember Your Power: Unlock what’s been blocked in knowing that you have the ability to choose and create exactly the life you want
Week 9: Design Your Life: Create the life YOU want. Get clear on your plan, how you want to stay aligned with your self and your dreams, and implement action steps to live the life you were meant to live
This will be an interactive experience of sharing our insights and reflections, learning & discussing new topics, exploring what is possible for ourselves, and supporting and being supported in community. Each week you will gain the tools and practical action steps that leave you feeling you’ve got every morsel out of the experience. You will have the opportunity to discover you most authentic self, feeling free and confident about who you are and what you want to create in the world.

“"Discovering who we truly are at our core, beneath all the layers of other people's views and 'should do’s,' is where we find ourselves. The more we continue to nurture that self, the clearer our path becomes."”— Likhita
This course was previously offered for $999, but the practitioner, Likhita, would like to make it more accessible through The Yellow Room at sliding scale for $150 - $360 total. This is for nine 2hr sessions which equates to $17 - $40 a session. You’re worth that!
If you need additional financial support Likhita will be giving away 1 full scholarship (free) to someone in need, but please reach out if you need support accessing this offering. Limit to 9 participants.
Please let us know your interest and availability by clicking the button below. Once we have enough people respond we will reach out to you and set the ideal start date.
Bonuses Included:
Resource Vault: Awesome resources to support you on your journey (priceless)
Embrace Alone Virtual Workshop - Secrets to making solo time your super power (value $111)
1 - 1:1 Theta Healing sessions - subconscious biohacking for reprograming old paradigms into new empowering beliefs (value $122)
Total Bonus Value of $233 for FREE
About the practitioner: Likhita’s journey to this program
I lived by the social construct “rules of life” for far too long. I was in a seemingly perfect long-term relationship, had a six-figure career that I could set my own schedule at, lived in an affluent area and was surrounded by people that loved me...but deep inside I felt something was missing. Something was just eating me up inside and I couldn't figure out what. The more I grew, the harder it was for me to connect with how I was living my life, and deep down I knew I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do in the world. But I didn't know how to get out of it. So I kept forcing myself to stay there. “It'll get better” “things will change”. I thought I would never figure out what I was meant to do and what I was gifted at, and I should just force myself to stay in my current job because I made so much money and to others it seemed “I had it made”.
The truth is, I was incredibly unhappy with where I was at in life, and felt I may be stuck there forever. I thought that I had to just deal with it because “that's the way the world worked”. I had the relationship, I had the job, I lived in the perfect place, and had lots of friends, so why wasn't I happy?
I thought I loved myself, until I really realized I was sacrificing my own self care for being accepted by others, I noticed when I actually put myself first I felt empowered in my own being, more fulfilled, and more capable of showing up for others. You’ll be surprised how implementing small changes in your day to day life will shift your entire relationship with yourself.
Through the steps shared in this 9 week program I’ve been able to transform my self and my life into someone and something I had only ever dreamt of. Shoot, I couldn't even see what was possible on the other side. But I knew if I continued to do what I was doing I would go insane, be unhappy, and worst of all I would most likely die regretting the choices I made.
Implementing these simple tools I started to become more confident in who I was and the choices I was making. Oh the choices. Choices became easier and easier. I started to trust myself and discover what my intuition was and how to use it. I saw myself in a new light as someone who was powerful and could create whatever I wanted. I learned supportive practices of self-care and self-love and as I deepened my relationship with myself, BOOM! My gifts came flooding in. It was like a channel between me and source was opened up and I was able to see clearly what I was meant to do in the world. I now am passionate about sharing my gifts with community, I put myself first without feeling guilty, I know what my needs and boundaries are and how to communicate them, and I am consistently dreaming of and manifesting the best things in my life. Simply put, I absolutely love my life, and I want you to love yours too.
In this course I give you all the lost secrets of coming home to your true self and live the life you truly desire.
This is for you if:
You want to embody your most authentic self
You want to access tools that support you in knowing yourself deeply
You feel you are just going through the motions of life and are stuck in unfulfilling situations
You feel there is something missing in your life and know you’re meant for more
You question who you are and what you're are doing with your life
You want to improve your self-care and self-love
You desire support in becoming the person you know you are meant to be
You want to create the life you truly want
This program will help you to realize YOU have control of your life, no one else. It will give you the fundamentals you need to be your most authentic self, and create and live the life of your dreams.
How long have you been living your life feeling lost or stuck? Do your day to day habits serve your dreams, or just your responsibilities?