Tapping is a self-healing tool that uses a sequence of light physical "tapping" on external acupressure points, allowing you to return your body and mind to a state of wellness. In this interactive workshop, you will learn, practice, and explore how this tool can be utilized in a variety of situations; from physical and emotional pain to anxiety, stress and PTSD.
Come learn this amazing self-help tool and gain the confidence and competence to use Tapping for pain, anxiety, and negative emotions.
2hr workshop only $30*
Please pay Beryl directly to her Venmo account using her handle: @Beryl-Ryan
*If price is a barrier please contact Beryl directly at Tapwithineft@gmail.com
About the Practitioner: Beryl Ryan has been a Registered Nurse for over 35 years. She learned Tapping over 10 years ago and has been teaching Tapping Workshops in community settings, schools, correctional facilities, and has her own pricing practice. Her mission is the empower others to heal themselves to help create a more peaceful world to live in. You can check out Beryl’s website here: http://tapwithin.com/