A wellness habit for living happily with yourself and others. The Connection Practice is highly effective in resolving inner turmoil and conflicts with others. More specifically, it is a skill that unites empathy and insight to meet challenges in life. This is a proven path for moving from loneliness and/or negativity to an emotionally safe relationship with yourself and others.
The goal of Connection Practice is to resolve conflicts creatively. Whether they be internal or involving someone else, personal issues need resolve. We can't stuff feelings and expect to be healthy. The Connection Practice is a technique of, not only stress reduction, but one of conflict resolution.
In business, the implementation of Connection Practice increases rapport and accelerates innovation. In one's personal life, this practice creates clarity of mind and inner peace. Stress reduction is key to living a healthful life!
About the Practitioner: Brooke Heather helps people gain an edge on life by identifying stress and releasing it. Life is then, not only more manageable but, also enjoyable! She went into the healthcare field to address physical ailments, but it didn’t take long to realize the emotional and mental whirlwind must be foremost attended to. She has been in practice as a Naturopath for over 15 years.
Wherever the Connection Practice is initiated, it builds a cooperative, more easeful and productive culture.
Envision a world where every person practices the art of connection and passes this gift on to the next generation...
Come participate in this experiential introduction to this technique and learn how The Connection Practice can be added to your repertoire of skills to support yourself and others.
FREE Event