You have exceptional gifts that the earth is aching for you to express, to give, to offer generously. You survived your upbringing! You are now safe in a new way, resourced in a new way, and capable like never before. This class is for those of you who know you have more gifts to give to this world. This class is for those who know themselves to be on the cusp of their next becoming. This class is for those who are in, or are calling in, transformation. This class is highly interactive, earth and season based, part ceremony, part therapeutic, part magic. We are the ones that get in the way of our own becoming. Let us dance with, and towards, transformation.
We are the ones that get in the way of our own becoming. Let us dance with, and towards, transformation.
If you are in, or are calling in, Transformation, Peter will work with you to:
deeply honor who you’ve been, how you got here, and the bravery and intelligence it took to get here
grieve and mourn the safety and comfort of the life and the relationships you have been living
identify ties, cords, contracts, unfinished work that might be preventing you from the life you know is waiting for you
identify and nurture relationships with allies, guides, teachers, friends, family, and communities to support you as you grow and transform
clarify the vision, the shape, the smell, the color, the frequency, the radiance of what you are becoming
articulate why your becoming, your transformation, is not just for you, but for the land, your family, your community, your ancestors and your descendants.
see evermore clearly the vision of the world that you are here to bring forth
prepare your land, self, family and community for your transformation
offer gratitude, offerings, and gifts to the people, places, energies that have been supporting you in your journey
share your story bravely to inspire others to trust and follow their own path towards transformation.
You will work together using:
Shadow Work principles and modalities
Internal Family System frameworks
Carl Jung’s Deep Psychology
Bill Plotkin’s illumination of the soul
Malidoma Some’s principles of ritual, healing and community
Martin Prechtel’s guidance around grief
Myths, stories, legends and lore
Your Inner Wisdom
This is a drop in series. You can attend the individual 90 min classes or experience the entire transformation process for the full 9 weeks. (No class 2/22)
$15 - $30 sliding scale per class session or $135 - $270 for the full transformational series
About The Practitioner: Peter McLean grew up during the time of a great and powerful spell. The spell had him believing he was separate from nature, that he was sinful at birth, and that the path towards happiness and wholeness required a lot of accumulating, purchasing and consuming. Of Earth and Soul is his war cry, his grief song, his orgasmic moan, his belly busting laugh, his game of tag with the divine, his quiet sip of the sunrise. Of Earth and Soul is his antidote, his charm of spell reversal. To come back under the enchantment of the earth, her power, wisdom, intelligence and all the beauty waiting to be brought forth in feeling the truth of a deep belonging in, and among, all that is wild and free. Pete comes to this work wholeheartedly, honestly, and circuitously. For many years, a farmer, a facilitator, a coach, a part-time carpenter, a full-time community member, a man, a being questing after his soul. And that soul, that insistent, persistent, resistant, wild-wailing-infant of a soul, has brought him into the forest. Into the marsh. Into the river. Into the cave. Into the sunrise and set. The new and full moons. Into circle. Calling in circles. Calling in gatherings. Calling in collective focus and intention. Calling in others who also hear the song of their soul and are risking listening. For what the soul asks, or demands, or commands of them. Just like the monarch is made of the milkweed. Pete is made of all he has consumed. And if you know him, you know he feasts on relationships. Pete is his mother and his father. Both of his sisters. The Maumee River. The Yellow Breeches. Pete is Eric Lind and Richard Anderson from Constitution Marsh Audubon Center and Sanctuary. Is Dan Kaplan and Karen Romanowski of Brookfield Farm. Is Darryl Slim. Is Therese Jornlin. Is Judy Hall. Is Neill Bovaird. Is Malidoma Some. Is Martin Shaw. Is Martin Prechtel. Is Robin Wall Kimmerer. Is Mary Oliver. Is Etheridge Knight. Pablo Neruda. Rainer Maria Rilke. Lawrence Quigly. Al Miller. And Pete is Kelly Kietzman, her songs, her love, her spirit, her fire, and their love that they share like a sunrise. Pete is the Sawmill River. The nighthawks flying over Lake Pleasant. Is the tupelo burl. The Alabama morning his Pa Pa called those turkeys in. The sun coyote. The basswood blossoms. The dogbane cordage. The northern watersnakes slithering up the falls. Is Altair. Alberio. Aquilla. Arcturus. Deneb. Vega. Rigel and Betelgeuse. Pete is all the episodes of The Simpsons. Is a head buried in an iPhone. Is the era of school and mass shootings. The time of selfie deaths. Is the poverty of a lost culture. Pete is made up of it all. All of it. And still more. And you, now, are made up of just a little bit of him, and all, of the all, of the all, of all of that.