New Moon is in Aries: Cardinal Fire!
Aries rules the head, teeth, taste, face, hair, arteries, and blood. Aries also rules our thoughts and our brain power. The new moon in Aries is for focusing on starting new projects, and setting strong boundaries. Perfect for a menarche ceremony and a powerful time to bring an alter item to be blessed!
This is a special New Moon as it will be a Menarche Ceremony (first period) for a sweet 13yr old. This is a time where we will be celebrating her next step in life, the path to becoming a woman. Please bring some words of wisdom, in a letter to read out loud to her that she can keep for later reflection. Bring a bead for her necklace or a bouquet of flowers and if you feel inclined a small gift for her moon box. We will have some treats for afterwards, bring a dish to share, finger foods if possible. (or just chocolate)
We will start our ceremony at 6:45 pm sharp. Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of time to snuggle into your space.
We will end our ceremony around 8:45 but this is not a set time but a loose timeframe. We will do our best to keep that timeframe for everyone to get home to bed at a decent time. Please keep in mind that this is a ceremonial space and a container we are holding together, so please plan on staying until we open the circle at the end of the ceremony.
What to bring:
Blankets, pillows, and a water bottle.
Drums, bells, chimes, rattles etc.
Something to bless on the alter (trinket, jewelry, herbs, seeds, crystals etc)
Anything else you need to be comfortable
Donation of $5-$10 or more to show our gratitude for the generosity of the holders of this non-profit organization.
*As always, Tea will be provided and most of the time chocolate. Looking forward to sharing space with you.
Facilitator: Laura Clemmons - Clinical Functional Herbalist